Chinese embassy in India holds video exchange event to support Beijing 2022 (Xinhua) 08:57, January 13, 2022
Chinese article by 爱集微
English Editor 爱集微
01-19 14:23

China's Ambassador to India, Sun Weidong, delivered the keynote address, saying, "On February 4, the Olympic flame will be lit for the second time in Beijing after 14 years. We will witness this ancient city with thousands of years of history becoming the first dual Olympic city in the world."

Sun stressed the principles of the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games are featured with "green, inclusive, open and clean" measures.

"The first aspect is about being green and eco-friendly. The second aspect is about being streamlined and clean. The third aspect is about being healthy and safe," he said.

During the event, conferences will be held in a green and environmentally-friendly manner, creating an ecologically-friendly competition area. Multiple measures have been adopted for budget management and cost control, in order to ensure a streamlined and splendid Games and to ensure that all venues can be used for both summer and winter sports in the future, he added.

During the Games, health and safety of athletes and other participants remains a priority. "Facing the challenge posed by the pandemic, especially the Omicron variant, the Chinese government has put the people front and center."

"We make every effort to ensure safety of the people, put epidemic prevention and control in first place, and formulate science-based and targeted epidemic prevention policies," the ambassador said.

"We will take necessary measures such as remote prevention and control, closed-loop management and vaccination to realize targeted measures of customs entry, health inspection, and close contact management. We will make every effort to create a healthy and safe environment and a good experience for all participants."

The ambassador said all countries should uphold the goal of pursuing unity, peace, progress and tolerance to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

"Together for a Shared Future" is the motto of the 2022 Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. It is also China's attitude, initiative and more of an action plan to practise the new Olympic motto," he added. 

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