China announces export control on certain graphite materials and products
Chinese article by 爱集微
English Editor 爱集微
10-20 18:22

(JW Insights) Oct 20 -- The Chinese government announced on October 20 that it will impose export controls on certain graphite materials and related products, reported Xinhua.

In an announcement jointly issued by the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs, the export of artificial graphite materials and related products with high purity (purity>99.9%), high strength (flexural strength>30Mpa) and high density (density>1.73g/cubic centimeter) will be banned, unless permission is granted.

Meanwhile, natural flake graphite and its products, including spheroidized graphite and expanded graphite, will also be banned from export unless there is permission, according to the announcement.

The control measures take effect on Dec. 1, 2023, according to tshe announcement, said the Xinhua report.

(Gao J/Yuan XY)

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